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Scientifically verified blend of live yeasts, pro- and pre-biotics for intestinal stability and balance, glutamine and elecampane for immunity.
Administer in cases of diarrhea in horses and foals, after antibiotic treatment, or in the case of diseases such as piroplasmosis and/or leptospirosis.
Ideal product to maintain good intestinal functioning in high-performance horses, which regularly face the stress of travel and competition and which have concentrated food.
Biotics is also intended for nervous, anxious, excited horses who have a permanently disturbed digestive system.


pre- and pro biotics, saccharomyces cerevisiae (live strain - 1026), glutamine, elecampane, whey powder, whey powder, white mineral oil, wheat protein, sodium chloride.


horses: starting dose 60 g/day, maintenance dose 30 g/day;.
foals: starting dose 45 g/day, maintenance dose 15-30 g/day.

Administer as a 10-day course. One measure = 15g.